Pokhara Bird Society

Final voting members list for AGM

Mr. Jeevan Raj Sapkota, election officer of 5th AGM & 2nd Convention has announced the all voting member list, this afternoon. Here is the detail of List.

Notice of Election-2079

Election Officer Mr. Jeevan Raj Sapkota has announced election notice of Annual General Meeting of PBS, this afternoon. Here is the full details.

सुचना ! सुचना !! सुचना !!!

आदारणिय सम्पूर्ण सदस्य ज्यूहरु,यस पोखरा पंछी समाजको मिति २०७९/०३/३२ गते बसेको बैठक को निर्णय बमोजिम यहि आउँदो मिति २०७९/०४/२१ गते संस्थाको अधिवेशन हुन गईरहेको र निर्वाचनका लागि जिवनराज सापकोटा लाई निर्वाचन अधिकृत चयन गरिएको समेत जानकारी गराउँदछौं । निर्वाचन सम्बन्धी जानकारी निर्वाचन अधिकृत ज्यू बाट अर्को सुचनामा र संस्थाको वेबसाइट मा समेत प्रकाशित गरिनेछ । […]

5th AGM of Pokhara Bird Society

The Executive Team of Pokhara Bird Society (PBS) decided to have 5th Annual General Meeting (AGM) on upcoming 3rd week of Sharwan after finished regular meeting on 32nd of Ashad, 2079. PBS has requested to general members to renew their membership one week before AGM. Also, requested to all members (general members, life members and […]